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The Russians Are Coming - Home Hosts Needed!
Local Rotary Clubs have collaborated to host a group of Russian architects under the Center for Citizen Initiatives (CCI), a nonprofit organization with more than a twenty-year history of linking American and former Soviet citizens for cooperation on issues of mutual concern. The Productivity Enhancement Program (PEP), brings non-English-speaking Russian business owners to the United States to receive business management training in American firms. More information about CCI can be found at their web site: www.ccisf.org.

PEP is a highly targeted, intensive, practical business training program, specifically designed to train ambitious, qualified and established Russian entrepreneurs so that they can boost the productivity of Russian firms and contribute to Russia's economic development and successful transition to a market economy. Each PEP Delegation consists of eleven Delegates plus two  CCI bilingual support staff. The emphasis is on first-hand experience, and the goal is to help Delegates gather practical information they can adapt to their businesses in order to make them more efficient and successful.

Some of the local firms that are participating by providing training include:

Calthorpe Associates
Channel Lumber Company
College of Environmental Design, University of California, Berkeley
ELS Architecture and Urban Design
Hardison, Komatsu, Ivelich & Tucker (HKIT)
Interactive Resources
Oliver & Co.
Overaa Construction
Ratcliff Architects
Stong and Associates
Timmons Design Engineers

The Richmond, El Cerrito and Albany Rotary Clubs are looking for a few more local people to home host Russian architects for part of their three-week visit. To find out more about this program, visit www.russianarchitects.typepad.com. If you can host one or two Russian architects for a week or so, call Margaret Morkowski at 510/234-4219, or email her at Margaret123MM@msn.com.