Tom Butt
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  Richmond Recycling Guide
April 22, 2019

People continue to tell me they don’t understand what can and cannot go in the blue recycling bin and what can go into the compost bin. The best source of information is the Republic Services Commercial and Residential Recycling Guide.

Some additional clarifications:

  • Diapers, kitty litter, bottle caps all go in the brown garbage cart.

  • Yard wastes should be contained in compostable (either paper or something like the Bio-Bag brand compostable bags—pale green organic base)

  • For catchup, syrup,  etc. , 1 or 2 light rinses with minimal liquid residue is sufficient; for peanut butter, mayonnaise, oily based materials a paper towel wipe is fine.  Containers need not be absolutely clean, but should be  clean enough so as not to soil other recyclable items in the recycling cart (i.e. paper).  Rinsing and wiping also reduces odors that attract flies and foraging animals.

  • Food soiled aluminum is a little different.  Should avoid leaving left over food scraps, residual grease, but if the food residue is “crusted” , relatively dry, should be ok.
  • Napkins, tissues, etc go in the organics bin, not the recycling bin.
  • Laminated products, such as junk food and candy bar wrappers are not recyclable

  • PAINTED wood has to go to the landfill

  • No Styrofoam.

I don’t believe that bioplastics that conform to ASTM D6400 can be composted at Republic Services’ Richmond Facility.

Image result for astm d6400 cups