Tom Butt
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  City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending July 29, 2016
August 1, 2016

Mayor and Members of the City Council:

This is the weekly report for the week ending July 29, 2016.

  • 1. Meeting Notes

The City Council is in recess for the month for August. Enjoy your break!

  • 2. Attention Richmond Promise Scholars: Date Extended to Return Scholarship Documents!

 Calling all Richmond Promise Scholars! There is still time to complete and return the documents necessary to receive the scholarship award! These documents are required by August 5th to process your scholarship.

Richmond Promise and Scholarship America are here to support any student who needs assistance, and we are in the process of calling and emailing students individually to follow up. If you know a student who needs assistance, please call (507) 931-0482 or email

If you have your information, please send by e-mail to:, or through mail by August 5th to:

Richmond Promise Scholarship Program
Scholarship Management Services
One Scholarship Way | Saint Peter, MN 56082
507-931-1682 | 507-931-8033 (fax)

  • 3. Richmond Promise College Success Workshop

Richmond Promise is hosting a College Success Workshop for Richmond Promise scholarship recipients on Tuesday, August 9th at 11:30 AM. Richmond Promise Scholars are encouraged to register today for the opportunity to enjoy lunch and learn important tips for college success in your freshman year!

Richmond Promise College Success Workshop
Tuesday, August 9th
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
440 Civic Center Plaza, Richmond: MultiPurpose Room

The event is free, but space is limited. Register by Monday, August 1 to secure your spot and the chance to win a $100 Amazon Gift Card:

Students will meet with current college students and learn crucial information including: 

Please email or call with any questions: | 510-620-6570

Inline image 1

  • 4. “Create Peace Project” Draws Crowds at Civic Center Plaza

The Create Peace Project, one of sixteen 2016 Neighborhood Public Art mini-grants, was designed to create a collaborative mural in a public place.  Ross Holzman’s project attracted more than 250 community Richmond participants to Civic Center Plaza from July 18th - 24th and included people of all ages, from children as young as five years to adults in their 80s. A dedication event will be held August 20th at the new site at the corner of Macdonald Avenue and Harbour Way.
The project attracted a diverse cross-section of Richmond residents. The focus was to engage people on the street, passers-by, City employees, and those who happened to be in the right place at the right time for an art experience.  The project gave people the opportunity to explore and re-discover the beauty and joy of painting.  Staff outreached to community members, community centers and local groups, including Girls, Inc. and Richmond Main Street.  Participants engaged in the process of creating an “inner peace” mural together. There was no formal design; it was painted through an organic process by inviting participants to freely express themselves on the mural. 
The mural process had three phases:

  • Paint large shapes and fill them in with solid colors;
  • Create patterns, images and designs within, and connect the existing shapes; and
  • Pose in a joyful, fun way on the mural and have someone outline in chalk (and then paint) their shape.

Ross and his wife, Iza, provided simple instructions on brush stroke skills, complimentary colors, pattering and effective painting techniques. The tapestry of color, pattern, design, and imagery is beautiful - a reflection of the diversity of the participants’ ages, ethnicities and personalities. The mural is a vibrant and positive piece reflecting the collaboration and inspiration of all who participated in the project. It will replace an existing mural that is in disrepair in the community space at the corner of Macdonald Avenue and Harbour Way.

“The HeART of Richmond” – Create Peace Project, Summer 2016 - Neighborhood Public Art Mini-Grants in Action

  • 5. The Richmond Tool Library is Here!

Following a successful crowdfunding campaign, the Richmond Tool Library celebrated its grand opening this past Saturday, July 23rd at the City of Richmond Recreation Center. Over 100 guests gathered at Richmond’s first ever, free Tool Lending Library for the ribbon-cutting ceremony, volunteer activities, lunch, and Pokémon GO! Guest speakers included Mayor Tom Butt, the city manager, and Director of Community Services Rochelle Monk.

The Richmond Tool Library is run by volunteers. The library will be open beginning the week of August 1st through August 8th, and will follow a temporary schedule (referenced below).  As we develop our volunteer base and receive community feedback, the library will establish more regular hours of operation. Stayed tuned for updated hours!

Want to donate to us? We are accepting both monetary and tool donations. Please contact the Richmond Tool Library at or (510) 620-5546 to arrange a drop off time or to request a tool donation pickup. We encourage donors to contact us prior to arrival to ensure a staff member is present to accept the donation.

In addition to tool donations, we are looking for volunteers with experience in tool repair. Contact us for more information! The Richmond Tool Library thanks Richmond residents, volunteers, donors, and event sponsors for making this service come to life. Tool-gether, we can build a better Richmond.

Richmond Tool Library Facebook Page     Richmond Tool Library Instagram

  • 6. Richmond Main Street Presents: 15th Annual Music on the Main!

Save the date, dust off your dancing shoes, and come downtown for Music on the Main! The festivities will take place on Wednesday, August 10th from 5:00 PM -7:30 PM in the parking lot on the corner of Marina Way and Macdonald Avenue.  

The concert will feature spectacular performances by hometown favorites Andre Thierry (the king of Zydeco) and But-tah & The Buttahluv Band. Plus: family-friendly activities, artisan and food vendors, beer and other beverages for sale, drawing prizes, giveaways, fitness breaks, free bike parking, and more! Admission is free. All ages are welcome to attend.

For more information, visit or call (510) 236-4049.

  • 7. Richmond Wellness Trail Living Preview and Design Charrettes

The Richmond Wellness Trail is a health themed urban fitness trail connecting Downtown Richmond to the Richmond Marina. By providing a safe, accessible, and inspiring public space for citizens to exercise, the Richmond Wellness Trail increases awareness and prevention of obesity and heart disease. 

You can help be a “trailblazer” by visiting Rich City Rides and providing your input on proposed amenities such as pedestrian & bicycle improvements, fitness stations, art, wayfinding signage and more.  Drop in, grab a snack, and help design the trail!

  • Opening Workshop: Monday, August 8, 2016 6:00 – 8:00 PM
    • Visioning and Values
  • Design Tables Tuesday & Wednesday, August 9 & 10, 2016
    • Open Studio Drop-in Hours: 11:00 PM – noon, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
  • Closing Presentation of the Draft Plan: Thursday, August 11, 2016 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM

For more information visit:; or contact Project Manager Kieron Slaughter 510-232-5050 ext. 6602 or 510-778-4838 cell.

  • 8. RichmondWORKS is here to HELP!

The City of Richmond Workforce Development Board has received a grant from the State of California Employment Development Department (EDD) to help retrain laid-off workers who have had a difficult time re-entering the workforce with their current job skills. The training assistance being provided will be geared toward re-employment in high demand occupations throughout Richmond and the Bay Area.

For more information, please visit or call 510-307-8014.

  • 9. Five-Year Financial Model

This past week, the Finance Director presented to the City Council an updated five-year financial model from Public Financial Management Group, Inc. (PFM), which includes the FY 2016-17 Adopted Budget. The presentation’s major areas of discussion included: 1) the City’s goals in budget initiatives, 2) baseline budget forecast changes and results, and 3) issues in achieving a balanced budget.

The budget initiatives focus is to build and maintain a 10% budget reserve, increase revenues, and have funding available for maintenance of the City’s infrastructure. The baseline forecast projected the City’s financial position over the next five fiscal years. The results identified a need of an additional $15.1 million in expense reductions and/or revenues to reach the goal of a 10% reserve balance by FY 2021. The main issue is that the City has little control over revenues.

  • 10. City Manager Chronicles

I have listed below some of the topics for meetings that I attended during the past week in the hope that it provides an idea of the varied issues with which our organization deals routinely.  Meetings of note during the past week included:

  • Met with Richmond Youth Council Chair Joseph Jackson;
  • Met with federal and state legislative advocates, Jim Jakel, Vern Whitmore, and Jacqueline Majors, to discuss current City projects;
  • Participated in my monthly City financial status update, provided by Finance Director Belinda Warner and members of her staff;
  • Met, along with Planning Director Richard Mitchell, with West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) Assistant Superintendent for Facilities Lisa LeBlanc to discuss WCCUSD’s property acquisition plans;
  • Met, together with Police Chief Allwyn Brown, with city managers and police chiefs from the five West County cities to discuss the West County Emergency Communications Consortium;
  • Met, along with Richmond Promise Executive Director Jessie Stewart, with West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD) Superintendent Matt Duffy to provide an orientation to the Richmond Promise program;
  • Met with representatives of the Friends of the Richmond Greenway (FORG), together with Director of Infrastructure Maintenance and Operations Tim Higares and Parks Superintendent Greg Hardesty, to discuss establishing an MOU between FORG and the City of Richmond;
  • Met, along with Human Resources (HR) Director Lisa Stephenson, Finance Director Belinda Warner, Transportation Project Manager Lori-Reese Brown, Paratransit Project Manager Misha Kaur, Principal HR Analyst Maria Blue, with SEIU Local 1021 leadership and several paratransit drivers to determine how the City might continue to affordably provide paratransit service;
  • Met along with Councilmembers Beckles and Myrick, and Senior Management Analyst LaShonda White, with Laconia Development representatives Paul Menzies and Bob Kagan to discuss elements of a community benefits agreement.

These meetings were in addition to attending the regular management staff meeting,  agenda planning, reviewing staff reports to the City Council, doing department head “check-ins,” having discussions on various personnel matters, and having short discussions with staff, community members, members of the press, etc.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the substance of these or any other topics.

  • 11. Public Review of the Climate Action Plan

Climate change presents the City of Richmond with complex challenges and tremendous opportunities. During the past year, the City has been working to prepare its inaugural Draft Climate Action Plan (CAP).  Once adopted, the CAP will serve as a roadmap for how the City will reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and prepare for the impacts of climate change on public health, infrastructure, the economy, ecosystems, and public spaces in our community.

Richmond’s inaugural Draft CAP was released on July 22nd for a 30-day public review and comment period.  The Draft CAP is a  multi-objective  plan  that  addresses  environmental,  social, and  economic  issues  related  to  climate  change.  The Draft CAP builds  on  the  adopted goals  and  policies  in  the  City’s  General  Plan 2030 and the Health in All Policies Strategy (HiAP) to further the City’s  efforts  to  build  health  equity  through  the  reduction of local Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions, and to simultaneously ensure that the community is well prepared for the impacts of climate change.

The Draft CAP and all appendices can be accessed electronically at, and printed copies are available for review at the Richmond libraries and the Planning and Building Services Public Counter at 450 Civic Center Plaza, 2nd Floor.  Community members and stakeholders are encouraged to review the Draft CAP and provide comments by 5:00 PM on August 22, 2016. Comments may be submitted electronically to or in written form to:

Attn: Lina Velasco, Project Manager II
Planning Division
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, CA 94804

City staff anticipates presenting the final draft to the City Council for adoption in the fall 2016.

  • 12. 2016 Summer Youth Employment Program Update

Richmond youth are doing a great job on their Summer Youth Employment worksite assignments:

  • Rising Sun Energy Specialists are providing basic energy, water, and solar assessments, and installing energy and water saving devices such as light bulbs and showerheads for Richmond households.

Rising Sun

  • Richmond Main Street Initiative Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP) participants have completed 20 hours of customer service training and are now gearing up to start their retail assignment at TJ Maxx in Pinole.


For information of the Summer Youth Programs, please visit or call (510) 412-2044

  • 13. Mayor Tom Butt Community Fund Annual Golf Tournament

The Mayor’s Community Fund Annual Golf Tournament is now accepting online registrations and sponsorships. Visit to sign up! 

The Richmond Mayor's Community Fund was established to support activities in Richmond that are not currently supported by the City or by other funders, such as youth leadership, summer employment, and greening the city. A steering committee of community members has determined that the fund for 2017 will support Richmond's youth athletic teams and leagues.

  • 14. West Contra Costa Unified School District Seamless Summer Food Program

Free summer meals are being offered at a location near you from June 9th - August 17th to all children 18 years or younger.  This service will be provided by the WCCUSD Seamless Summer Food Program (SSFP).  SSFP is making sure no child in West Contra Costa County goes hungry when schools are closed this summer. The Nevin Community Center, Parchester Community Center, Recreation Complex, and Main Library are among several City facilities hosting SSFP services.

Check out when and where you or someone you know can get free meals by following the link below. More information including menus can also be found on the site. If you have further questions regarding the program, please call (510) 307-4580.

WCCUSD Food Service Department:

Please use the following link to find all WCCUSD Summer Meal sites with dates, times, locations, and meals:

  • 15. Information Technology


Top 10 Webpage views for the week ending 07-29-2016

Facebook Statistics
Total page likes increased by 150%
Total page views increased by 21%
Post Engagement increased by 53%

Twitter Statistics
Total tweets are up by 5.7%
Tweet impressions are up by 5.0%
Followers are up.

Top mention earned 38 engagements

Top media Tweet earned 335 impressions
KCRT DATANET OF THE WEEK:Senior Center - FREE Consult-an-Attorney Clinic 2
Senior Center - FREE Consult-an-Attorney Clinic 1

City of Richmond Mobile APP UPDATE

An upgraded version of the City of Richmond’s mobile phone app is now available on the Apple App store and Google Play store. 

You may view the City’s mobile app on YouTube:

The City of Richmond is looking forward to feedback from the community on this upgraded Mobile App. We welcome your comments at

  • 16. Engineering/CIP Departments

Streets Division

Paving crews worked from the outstanding pothole list and completed Class “A” patching in various locations around the City.

Class A Patch
Class A Patch #2
Class “A” Patching
Street sweeping performed commercial and residential sweeping services for the fourth Monday through Thursday and the fifth Friday in the Santa Fe, Point Richmond, Marina Bay, Coronado, Metro Richmore Village, Pullman, Cortez/Stege, Park Plaza, Laurel Park, City Center, Richmond Annex, Parkview, Panhandle Annex and Eastshore neighborhood council areas.

Signs and Lines staff installed 23 new poles and signs, fabricated 10 signs, repaired 49 signs and poles and painted 217 feet of curbs.

Marina Bay Parkway & Meeker #3
Striping on Marina Bay Parkway

21st & Roosevelt Red curbs for crosswalks #2
Curb Painting

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.

Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804
(510) 620-6512

You can sign up to receive the City Manager’s weekly report and other information from the City of Richmond by visiting: