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  Library Services Draft Municipal Services Review
January 5, 2013

One of the jobs of the Local Agency Formation Commission (LACO) on which I serve as an alternate to the two members appointed by the Contra Costa  Mayors Conference is to provide periodic reviews of services provided by cities and special districts (Municipal Service Reviews).

The review of the Richmond Library may be found by clicking on the hyperlinks below:

pdf document

Library Services MSR Public Final Draft

pdf document

Library Services MSR Public Final Draft - Comment Log

pdf document

Library Services MSR Public Review Draft

If you have comments on the drafts, you may email them to Kate Sibley KSibl@lafco.cccounty.us.
Municipal Service Reviews (MSRs) were added to LAFCO's mandate with the passage of the Cortese-Knox-Hertzberg (CKH) Local Government Reorganization Act of 2000 (Government Code § 56000 et seq). An MSR is a comprehensive study designed to better inform LAFCO, local agencies, and the community about the provision of municipal services. Service reviews capture and analyze information about the governance structures and efficiencies of service providers and identify opportunities for greater coordination and cooperation between providers. The MSR is a prerequisite to a Sphere of Influence  determination and may also lead a LAFCO to take other actions under its authority.
Upon completing the MSR, the Commission must make determinations on each of the following issues:

  1. Growth and population projections for the affected area.
  2. Present and planned capacity of public facilities and adequacy of public services, including infrastructure needs or deficiencies.
  3. Financial ability of agencies to provide services.
  4. Status of, and opportunities for, shared facilities.
  5. Accountability for community service needs, including governmental structure and operational efficiencies.
  6. Any other matter related to effective or efficient service delivery, as required by commission policy.