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  Richmond Refinery Stakeholder Assessment - Draft Report
December 30, 2011

Click here for the Richmond Refinery Stakeholder Assessment - Draft Report provided by the Consensus Building Institute (CBI), a not-for-profit organization that helps communities and organizations to address concerns and collaborate. Chevron asked CBI to conduct this assessment as a follow-up to the previous report, which CBI also conducted.

It was sent to the 50 people interviewed with a solicitation for feedback.

The report indicates Chevron made improvements in quality of engagement and engaging non-profits but indicates a feeling that Chevron’s investment in the community remains insufficient, that Chevron isn’t sufficiently committed to local hiring, that tax disputes with the City of Richmond continue to cloud the community’s relationship with the community and that  that health, safety and pollution remain issues.

Interviewees suggested Chevron should increase its level of community support, clarify its commitment to local jobs and the environment, resolve the property tax dispute and work cooperatively with and support local elected officials.

Questions or suggestions about the survey should be addressed to David Plumb, Consensus Building Institute Merrick Hoben, Consensus Building Institute, dplumb@cbuilding.org.

David Plumb, CBI / dplumb@cbuilding.org  / cell: 917-608-9056
Merrick Hoben, CBI / mhoben@cbuilding.org  / cell: 202-531-2697