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  City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending December 24th, 2010
December 27, 2010

Mayor and Councilmembers:

This is the weekly report for the week ending December 24th, 2010.

  1. Meeting Notes


The next City Council meeting is scheduled for next year, Tuesday, January 4th.

  1. City Hall Schedule


As another reminder, as a cost savings measure, City Hall will be closed during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day (December 27th – 31st), and non-emergency City services will be on a limited schedule.  As I previously reported, the Finance Department estimates that this may save the City as much as $450,000 in the form of reduced vacation liability, actual salary costs, and reduced occupancy costs.  The details of this limited service schedule are attached to this report may be found at the following web link:


  1. Search Underway for Library and Cultural Services Director


This past week, staff from the Human Resources Department and I met with principals from Bradbury Associates, the recruiting firm that is conducting the national search for a new Director of Library and Cultural Services to replace Monique le Conge.  Among other topics, we reviewed the marketing plan and schedule for recruitment, and, most importantly, key attributes for this position.  The consultants will be working on a parallel track to advertise the position and to get information from Richmond stakeholders regarding the ideal director.  The recruitment process will take approximately five months to complete.

In the meantime, as I reported to you earlier this week, Interim Library and Cultural Services Director Roger Pearson resigned from his position effective at the end of the day this past Monday, December 20th.  In the short term, I have requested that Assistant City Manager Leslie Knight assume an oversight role for day to day operations of the Library until we retain another interim director or take a different course of action. 

  1. Food Scrap Collection and Composting Program Update


More than 1,200 food scrap pails have been distributed to Richmond residents by the City of Richmond Environmental Initiatives Team and the West County Resource Recovery Facility.  Residents use the pails in the kitchen to collect food scraps, which are then emptied into the green cart with other organics to be picked up and composted by Richmond Sanitary Service as part of the City’s residential food scrap collection and composting program.

The Laotian Organizing Project (LOP) gifted food scrap pails to their lead Richmond organizers at this year’s holiday party.




Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.

Have a great week, a joyous holiday season,
and a very Happy New Year!



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Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804-1630
Phone:  510-620-6512
Fax:  510-620-6542
E-mail:  bill_lindsay@ci.richmond.ca.us