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  City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending December 17th
December 18, 2010

Subject: Weekly Report for the Week Ending December 17th

Mayor and Councilmembers:

This is the weekly report for the week ending December 17th, 2010.

  • Meeting Notes


The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 4th.  (There is no meeting on the third Tuesday of December [the 21st] because of its proximity to the holidays.)

  • City Hall Schedule


As a reminder, as a cost savings measure, City Hall will be closed during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day (December 27th – 31st), and non-emergency City services will be on a limited schedule.  The Finance Department estimates that this may save the City as much as $450,000 in the form of reduced vacation liability, actual salary costs, and reduced occupancy costs.  The details of this limited service schedule are attached to this report.


  • ASI Closes RLF Loan and Lands $4 Million Contract

The City of Richmond’s Small Business Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) closed a $50,000 loan with Analytical Scientific Instruments, Inc. (ASI) this week to support their working capital and relocation expenses.  ASI, a 21-year old manufacturer of medical equipment instruments and components, was recently awarded a $4 million contract with BioRad.  They purchased a building at 3023 Research Drive in Richmond to support this growth and moved to Richmond on November 1st, bringing 25 existing employees, with plans to hire at least 10 additional employees.  ASI is also working with the Employment and Training Department on Enterprise Zone (EZ) hiring tax credits.  The owners noted that they are having a positive experience with the Planning and Building Departments on inspections. 

This brings the total to three loans closed under the RLF since November 12th.

  • PAX Water Moves to Richmond


PAX Water Technologies, Inc. has just moved to 860 Harbour Way South in Richmond.  PAX Water is a manufacturer of energy-efficient tools for the water industry.  Using biomimicry (the science of reverse-engineering systems and processes found in nature to achieve efficiency improvements in man-made systems), PAX Water makes products that help municipal water agencies lower their energy and chemical use, and improve water quality.  The company has 12 employees (two positions were created as a result of this move), and expects its headcount to rise to 30 in the next two to three years.  PAX Water has been featured in Business 2.0, FastCompany, Inc. Magazine and, most recently, in the NBC News Special Prince Charles' Harmony.  The company was drawn to the area by the quality building stock, the ease of commuting, the Enterprise Zone tax incentives, and the presence of other clean technology companies in the neighborhood.

  • Rosie’s Visitor Center Now Visible on the Horizon


After more than a year of negotiations, the National Parks Service, Ford Point LLC, and the City of Richmond have closed the deal and executed all documents for the renovation of the Historic Oilhouse building.  This 12,500 square foot structure is adjacent to the Historic Ford Assembly Building and, upon completion of the renovation, will serve as the Education Center for the Rosie the Riveter/World War II Home Front National Historical Park.  Completion of the building renovation is expected in fall 2011.

  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – RFQ for Second Campus


As you know, staff members have been working together with Vice-Mayor Jeff Ritterman and others to promote Richmond as an excellent site for the second campus of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL).  The site would allow for the consolidation of current programs that are located in office space spread throughout the Bay Area, and situate the lab for its long-term future growth.  We have been advised that the University of California now plans to issue a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) to identify a second site on January 3, 2011.  We will continue to keep you informed as this project moves forward.

  • Health and Wellness Element - Gang Training and Awareness Workshop in Iron Triangle and Belding Woods Neighborhoods


On Friday, December 10th, at Peres Elementary School, a total of 40 parents attended a Gang Training and Awareness workshop that was led by Police Officer Ray Hernandez.  City staff from the Health and Wellness working group and the Police Department partnered with parent school leaders and the principal to organize the event.  The workshop covered topics that ranged from the history of gangs in the United States, talking with children about gangs, factors that attract youth to join a gang, and recent trends in the city.  The same workshop was also held at Cesar Chavez Elementary School on November 16th.  These two areas are part of the City of Richmond Health and Wellness Element pilot neighborhood implementation.

  • Public Works Updates


  • Due to the approaching storms, crews are scheduled 24/7 for storm watch and response operations through the weekend.
  • This past week, paving crews completed the resurfacing of 39th Street between Macdonald and Roosevelt Avenues.  Due to the winter season, all paving operations will be suspended until the spring.  Streets crews will be redirected to winter duties, including potholing operations, throughout the city.


  • The Facilities Maintenance Division will start a major facility rehabilitation work of the Employment and Training facility located at 425 25th Street next week, and throughout the holidays.
  • The Parks Division will be planting oak trees at the John F. Kennedy Park to replace trees that were previously removed due to damage.  Crews will also be cleaning up Castro Ranch Road and pruning shrubs and trimming ivy at the Raincloud Park.


  • Tree trimming will be conducted along Garvin, Alamo, and Cherry Avenues, and 8th, 11th and 19th Streets.
  • Excellence in Public Communications Award


The City of Richmond was awarded the Excellence in Public Communications Award for their submission of the FY2009-10 Budget-in-Brief to the California Society of Municipal Finance Officers’ Budget Award Program.  The awards program is designed to recognize those agencies that have prepared a budget document or communication tool that meets certain standards.  The designation of “Excellence” is the highest in this category.

The Budget-in-Brief provides a concise overview of the operating and capital improvement budgets, includes the city’s five core strategic goals, and highlights accomplishments for the year linked to those goals.  This document has been presented and disseminated to citizens during community budget presentations and events.  Citizens have found it helpful in aiding their understanding of the city’s financial resources and how they are allocated.  The Budget-in-Brief is on the city’s website via the following link:  


  • Wastewater Treatment Plant Odor Control Processes


The hauling of biosolids from the wastewater treatment plant off-site for processing continues pending the rehabilitation of both digesters to provide operational redundancy.  The City’s Fire Department Hazardous Materials teams are now available to provide odor response and investigation.  There are two new non-emergency phone numbers that residents can use to report odors.  These numbers are (510) 233-5223 and (510) 620-6933.  The existing Veolia hotline number, (510) 412-2001, will still be available as well.  This information has been posted on the city’s website and was also mailed to approximately 1,400 residents in Point Richmond and near the city’s Wastewater Treatment Plant.

  • Recreation Highlights


  • 58th Annual Snow Ball: The Recreation Department is hosting the 58th Annual High School Snow Ball on Saturday, December 18th, from 7:00 PM to 12 midnight at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium.  Ninth through 12th grade students from various high schools in West Contra Costa Unified School District will attend this gala event to enjoy music, dancing, light refreshments and the presentation of the Snow Ball King and Queen.
  • California Parks and Recreation Society:  On Thursday, December 16th, the Richmond Recreation Department hosted the California Parks and Recreation Society’s District 3 Holiday meeting and luncheon at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium.  The event recognized and expressed gratitude to program, administrative, and part-time staff throughout the region for all their hard work throughout the year.  Over 100 professionals were in attendance and enjoyed a great meal, socializing with other District 3 members, and competing in the legendary quarter raffle for holiday gift baskets.



Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.

Have a great week and a great holiday season!


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Finance Director Jim Goins in his non-day job!


Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804-1630
Phone:  510-620-6512
Fax:  510-620-6542
E-mail:  bill_lindsay@ci.richmond.ca.us