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  City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending March 26th, 2010
March 26, 2010

Mayor and Councilmembers:

This is the weekly report for the week ending March 26th, 2010.

  • Meeting Notes


There is no City Council meeting next week, as March 30th is the fifth Tuesday of the month.  Enjoy the night off.

  • Community Meetings on Proposed Wastewater Rate Increases


A public meeting notice was recently mailed to all property owners in the Richmond Municipal Sewer District regarding two public meetings on proposed rate increases.  City staff has scheduled these two community meetings to answer questions regarding the proposed increases, and the necessary improvements to the sewer collection and treatment system.  The first such meeting was held this past Monday, March 22nd and the next public meeting is on Wednesday, March 31st beginning at 6:00 PM in the Bermuda Room of the Richmond Auditorium.  Mailers have previously been sent to all property owners affected by the proposed rate increases.

  • Remaining Pt. Molate Land Is Now Officially the Property of the City of Richmond


In a significant milestone, today, March 25th, the remaining 41 acres of the Pt. Molate site were transferred from the Navy to the City of Richmond.

As you may recall, the Pt. Molate Naval Depot ceased operations in 1995. Two years later, a Blue Ribbon Advisory Committee completed, and the City Council approved, the Pt. Molate Reuse Plan, and the transfer of the first 170 acres from the Navy to the City occurred in 2003.  Since that time the Navy has prepared a Finding of Suitability for Early Transfer (FOSET) and the City and the Navy have entered into an Early Transfer Cooperative Agreement (ETCA) that transfers $28.5 million in funding, and the responsibility for completing the remediation to achieve regulatory compliance, to the City.  The City approved a Land Disposition Agreement (LDA) with Upstream Pt. Molate LLC (Upstream) in 2004 for the sale of the land, and also transferred the obligations for the cleanup to Upstream.  The City and Upstream entered into a Remediation Agreement in 2008 that further details Upstream’s remediation obligations.  Now that the City owns the entire site, the process of environmental cleanup can move towards completion.

  • New Richmond Skate Plaza Wins Award


Last night, the Recreation Department Director and staff attended the California Parks and Recreation Society District 3 2009 Awards and Installation Celebration which was held in Walnut Creek.  At this event, the City of Richmond received the Award of Excellence, Outstanding Parks & Recreation Facility for the Nicholl Skate Plaza.  The award acknowledges “significant contributions towards Creating Community through People, Parks and Programs”.

  • More Accolades for the Civic Center Renovation


This past Tuesday, it was announced that the Richmond Memorial Civic Center Revitalization Project was first runner-up for the San Francisco Business Times award for the “Best Rehabilitation or Renovation Project” for 2009.  The Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco took top honors in this category.  The Civic Center project has also been nominated for ABAG’s “Growing Smarter Together Awards – Building a Better Bay Area – Urban Design Award.”  The award winners will be announced at the AGAG meeting in Oakland on April 22nd.  Councilmembers are encouraged to attend this important ABAG meeting – award or no award.

  • Office of Neighborhood Safety Outreach and San Quentin State Prison


On Saturday, March 19th, the Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS) Peacekeepers transported 12 youth from Crescent Park to San Quentin State Prison to participate in The Reaching Expanding Adolescent Lives (R.E.A.L.) Choices Program.  This is an educational program facilitated by some of the “lifers” at San Quentin.  The youngsters were given a complete tour of the prison facility and then met with the lifers to discuss the importance of making good decisions, avoiding negative peer pressure and doing everything that they can to work hard in their school studies.  San Quentin provided a healthy lunch for the youth visitors.  On Friday, March 26th a follow-up discussion will be held with the ONS Peacekeepers and the youth to talk about the effects that the visit to San Quentin had on their lives.

  • Governor’s Office of Gang and Youth Violence Policy Visits ONS


The Governor’s Office of Gang and Youth Violence Policy visited Richmond and the Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS) to learn more about the 2007-08 and 2008-09 CalGRIP grants that support the Richmond Community Wellness Collaborative (RCWC). 

The ONS and RCWC partners including Richmond Youth Works, Neighborhood House of North Richmond, and the Richmond Police Activities League provided an overview of the projects, and a description of the nature and purpose of the elements that are being supported by CalGRIP.

  • ONS Clergy Night Walks and Outreach


Office of Neighborhood Safety (ONS) staff, along with a dozen residents and local church leaders, facilitated an evening walk and outreach effort into the Pullman Point apartment complex in South Richmond on Friday.  Earlier that day, two people were injured when gunfire erupted within the gated complex.

The purpose of the walk was to offer hope through prayer, conversation, and information about local resources.  Residents were receptive to the outreach workers, who later went door-to-door to greet them and offer prayer.  Youth and young adults participated and were provided with social services resource information.

The Clergy “Night Walks” and Outreach is the first of a series of four activities to be led by the ONS over the next month.

  • City of Richmond Designated as “Tree City USA”


The City of Richmond has been designated by the National Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree City USA for the year 2009.  This distinction was the result of a successful first time application that was prepared and submitted by the Parks & Landscaping Division of the Public Works Department.  The Tree City USA designation is provided annually to those cities who continue to maintain or surpass defined service levels in support of their urban forests.  Tree City USA signs can now be displayed at entry gateways to the City.  With this designation, the City of Richmond can apply with greater expectations of success to regional and national grant programs to support and expand our urban forest.  Achievement of the Tree City USA designation was a stated goal of the City of Richmond’s 5-Year Strategic Business Plan.

  • Public Works Updates


  • The re-roofing of Richmond Fire Station #62 (1065 - 7th Street) is progressing very well and is now 50% complete.
  • As you may recall, the Bayview Library was badly flooded during last February storms. The abatement of the damaged walls and flooring is complete, and the refinishing of the floors is pending.


  • The Electrical Department has completed repairs and re-energized 100% of the series street light outages in the Parkview area (Campbell, Fallon, Creely and Fleming Avenues). 
  • New paving was completed on Conestoga Way, and approximately 75% completed on Carriage Drive.  During the prior week, the Public Works paving crew completed the paving of Ponderosa Court from Fascination Circle to the end of the street.


  • Recreation Highlights

The following are highlights from the Recreation Department for the past two weeks, along with some coming attractions:

  • Egg Hunt:  The Recreation Department will host the annual Spring Egg Hunt & Breakfast tomorrow, Saturday, March 27th.  Breakfast will be served at the Richmond Recreation Complex from 8:30 AM to 10:00 AM with tickets sold at the door, $5 for adults and $3 for children 12 & under.  The egg hunt will be free and will be held at Nicholl Park from 10:00 AM to noon.


  • Archery Program Grant:  The Recreation Department has been selected as one of the 2010 National Recreation & Parks Association’s “After School Archery Program (ASAP)” grantees.  The Recreation Department is one of 100 organizations selected for this national initiative to increase participation in archery programs and create sustainable programming for youth in the community.  The grant of $500 will be used to grow and enhance existing programs available to youth through the purchase of archery equipment, programmatic resources and materials, and staff training relevant to the ASAP program.
  • Basketball Excursion:  The Recreation Department Youth Sports section will escort 20 youth from King Elementary School to the Golden State Warriors basketball game tomorrow, Saturday, March 27th.  Free tickets have been provided by the Golden State Warriors.


  • Leadership Training:  Last week, the Recreation Department Youth Sports section escorted 2 youth participants of the Outdoor Youth Connection (OYC), a leadership and community involvement program implemented through outdoor activities and camping excursions, to the first of three advanced learning events at the Fort Miley Ropes Course in the Golden Gate National Recreation Area in San Francisco.  Graduates, ages 14 to 16, of the OYC program can participate in the advanced learning events in addition to the regular OYC events, as members of the OYC Youth Council, which is a forum for education, skill building, and civic involvement.
  • Basketball:  Two weeks aga, March 10-13, the Youth Sports section facilitated the Jr. NBA/WNBA City-wide Basketball Championship tournament where 14 divisions of boys and girls under-12 teams played for the 1st and 2nd place spots.  Games were held at the Richmond Recreation Complex and the RPAL Gymnasium.



Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.

Have a great week!


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Bill Lindsay
City Manager
City of Richmond
450 Civic Center Plaza
Richmond, California 94804-1630
Phone:  510-620-6512
Fax:  510-620-6542
E-mail:  bill_lindsay@ci.richmond.ca.us