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City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending July 17th, 2009


Mayor and Councilmembers:


This is the weekly report for the week ending July 17th, 2009.


1.            Meeting Notes


The next City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, July 21st, beginning with a Closed Session at 5:00 PM, in advance of the regular City Council meeting at 6:30 PM.  Please note that the City Council meeting agenda is set up based on the new rules and procedures that were adopted by the City Council at its last meeting.


2.            Contra Costa Transportation Authority Board Approves Richmond’s 2006 and 2007 Growth Management Compliance Checklist


At its July 15th Board meeting, the Contra Costa Transportation Authority (CCTA) approved the City’s Calendar Year 2006 and 2007 Growth Management Program Compliance Checklist.  This checklist represents a series of data provided by the City to CCTA, evidencing that the City has been adhering to growth management principles that were included in the voter-approved Measure C sales tax measure.  The approval allows for the allocation of Richmond’s portion of the Measure C Local Street Maintenance and Improvement (LSM) Funds.  An allocation of $1,206,905 in FY 2007-08 LSM funds will be paid to the City next month.  An accelerated “off-year” stimulus payment of approximately $1,032,000 in FY 2008-09 LSM funds will be paid out in September 2009.


The checklist was prepared by staff from the Planning, Engineering, and Finance Departments.


3.            General Plan Available for Public Review and Comment


The draft of Richmond’s updated General Plan was released for public review on Wednesday, July 15th. The plan can be viewed on the General Plan web site at www.cityofrichmondgeneralplan.org, which is also linked to the main page of the City’s web site. Disc and paper copies of the plan are currently being produced and will be available next week. The public will be able to purchase a paper copy of the plan for the cost of producing it.


The Planning Commission will hear public comments on the draft plan during its August 6th meeting.


4.            Draft EIR/EIS Available for Point Molate Destination Resort & Casino Proposal


The draft EIR/EIS is now available for the proposed Point Molate Destination Resort & Casino at:



Public workshops are scheduled for August 10th and August 27th, and public comments will be taken on August 12th and on September 17th.  All of these meetings and workshops will be held at the Richmond Memorial Auditorium at 6:00 PM.


5.            News from the League of California Cities on the State Budget is Bad News for Cities


As reported by the League of California Cities, legislative leadership and Governor Schwarzenegger, also known as the Big Five, met multiple times this week to attempt to resolve the state’s deficit. The budget gap is now estimated at $26.3 billion.  Of critical importance to cities is that local government funding remains “on the table” and is extremely vulnerable through a variety of what the League characterizes as “irresponsible and illegal budget proposals and scenarios.”  In an article that appeared in today’s Sacramento Bee it is being reported that “California cities and counties will take a multibillion-dollar hit to help close the state's massive budget gap.”


There are three main areas that continue to threaten the viability of local governments:


·         Highway User Tax Account (HUTA) raid;

·         Redevelopment Agency funding seizures; and

·         Proposition 1A loans. 


These three items total $5.4 billion statewide, and an estimated amount of over $8 million in “takes” and loans for the City of Richmond.


6.         City of Richmond Continues Submission of Applications for Stimulus (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act [ARRA]) Funding


The City of Richmond has continued its pursuit of ARRA funding with two additional applications for ARRA grants submitted this week as described below.  The applications were prepared by City staff, with the substantial assistance of the Glen Price Group, which is under contract to provide grant researching and writing services for the City.


·         Strengthening Communities Fund - Nonprofit Capacity Building Program


The City Manager's Office was responsible for the preparation of an application for a grant from the Strengthening Communities Fund - Nonprofit Capacity Building Program.  The purpose of these grants, which are administered by the Department for Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, is to provide a variety of training, technical assistance and financial support to help build the capacity of nonprofit organizations serving communities that have been significantly impacted by the economic downturn.


The grant request is for $1 million over the two-year grant period, for a program that could potentially provide resources to 80 to 90 Richmond-serving nonprofits.


·         Assistance to Firefighters - Fire Station Construction Grants


The City also recently submitted an application for funding to support the construction of a new fire station to replace the existing Station #66.  The current station was built over 60 years ago, is seismically unsound, undersized, and too out of date to be brought up to current national fire protection standards.  The grant that the City has applied for is funded through the Federal Emergency Management Administration, and supports the construction of new fire stations to serve expanding populations, as well as the renovation or replacement of existing stations that no longer meet national standards.


The City of Richmond was able to take advantage of a planning and design process that was nearing completion when the funding opportunity was announced.  The fact that the City already has a design, an estimated budget, and the majority of the permits for the project will give it a substantial advantage in being able to be "shovel ready" at the time when grant funds are released. 


Based upon the projected budget for the project, the City request is for $3,935,532.


6.         Update on Graffiti Eradication Program


Trina Jackson has provided a status report for the graffiti eradication program for the quarter ending June 2009.  Highlights from this report include:


·         In June, the annual survey to count the number of tags in the City, including the freeways was completed.  The total number of tags visible from the surface streets was 4,346, and 331 tags were on the freeways.  Last year’s numbers were 11,500 and 450, respectively.

·         5,995 tags were abated by Public Works staff during the quarter;

·         During the quarter, 639 graffiti related Comcate (web-based resident notification) cases were resolved by Public Works staff, with 483 such cases resolved within 48 hours.

·         There are 150 registered volunteers, and Volunteers were recruited at the Cinco de Mayo and Juneteenth Festivals.


Mailers will be sent to businesses on the 23rd Street, San Pablo Avenue, and Cutting Boulevard thoroughfares, inviting them to partner with the program.


In an effort to assist Code Enforcement efforts, staff has worked to develop a process to transition property owners into abating their properties.  Affected property owners will receive a courtesy cleaning, notification of their responsibilities under the Richmond Municipal Code, a courtesy notice and an invitation to receive free abatement supplies and paint by joining the Anti-Graffiti Program.


If a property has received the aforementioned and their property is tagged again, staff will take a picture of the graffiti and mail a second courtesy notice to the property owner indicating that they have three days to abate or Code Enforcement may proceed with compliance efforts.  The property owner will also receive another invitation to receive free abatement supplies and paint by joining the Anti-Graffiti Program.


7.          Engineering Department Hires a New Employee


This past week, Chad Davisson began work with the Engineering Department in the position of Wastewater Contract Administrator.  Mr. Davisson will oversee the Wastewater Treatment Facility contract and the collection systems contract amendment with Veolia Water.  Mr. Davisson graduated from San Diego State University in Public Administration and Urban Planning and holds a Grade V Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator’s license.  His previous position was with the Olivenhain Municipal Water District in north San Diego County where he managed the wastewater treatment and collection systems and the industrial source control program.


8.            Recreation Department Escorts “Team Richmond” to the California State Games


The Recreation Department will escort “Team Richmond” to the California State Games in San Diego on Friday, July 17th through Sunday, July 19th. The Recreation Department-sponsored Team Richmond consists of two soccer teams, a girls basketball team, a boys basketball team and a track team.  Team Richmond youth ages 9-17 will compete in the multi-sport festival of Olympic-style competition for California’s amateur athletes of all ages and abilities. The Cal-State Games is a community-based member of the United States Olympic Committee.  Winning teams are invited to compete in the National Youth Games at the Olympic Training Facilities in Colorado during August. 



Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.


Have a great week!


Bill Lindsay

City Manager

City of Richmond

1401 Marina Way South

Richmond, CA 94804


Phone:  510-620-6512

Fax:      510-620-6542

e-mail:   bill_lindsay@ci.richmond.ca.us