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City Manager's Weekly Report for the Week Ending August 8th, 2008

Mayor and Councilmembers:


This is the weekly report for the week ending August 8th, 2008.


1.         Meeting Notes


The next regular City Council meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 2nd.  Please enjoy a restful month of August.


2.         State Budget News


As you are undoubtedly aware, the State of California budget problems continue to linger, and the longer they linger, the more concern there is that the State will, once again, raid local government revenues as they have done in past years.  In recent weeks, several legislators have made assurances that they are not considering using local government revenues to balance the State budget.  The Governor also has been a supporter of cities and an opponent of borrowing from local governments to solve the state budget crisis.  Senate President Pro Tem Perata and Assembly Speaker Bass have also expressed similar sentiments.


With that being said, the word from Sacramento, through the League of California Cities, is that everything is still “on the table” as far as budget negotiations are concerned.  Recently, redevelopment revenue has emerged as a possible target.  While there is no language or formal proposal, the number that is being discussed is an approximate $200 million statewide annual take that would go on indefinitely.  According to the California Redevelopment Association, that equates to a loss to each redevelopment agency of approximately 4.385% of gross tax increment annually.  Apparently, some believe that cities that are working to eliminate blight in their community should bail the State out of its fiscal problems.


Since the State Constitution prohibits property taxes from being spent outside the jurisdiction from which it is collected, the proposal is being termed as an increase in pass-through payments to schools, since that is the only way for the State to save money in its budget. This would reduce the amount the State would have to pay to schools. The proposal would, according to sources, apply to all project areas regardless of when they were established.


We will keep you informed.


3.         Summer Youth Employment Program Update


The following are some statistics regarding the 2008 Summer Youth Employment Program as of July 31st:


·         425 Richmond youth have been placed in summer jobs, and an additional 75 will be placed in job assignments to reach the goal of 500 youth.

·         78 job sites are participating in the program, providing Richmond youth with work experience and reinforcing positive work habits.

·         10 youth are participating in Energy Efficiency training with Rising Sun Energy Center, and are providing basic energy audits for Richmond homeowners.


4.         Richmond BUILD Program Update


Congressman George Miller will be visiting the Richmond BUILD program on Monday, August 11, 2008 at 1:00 PM providing the program with the opportunity to showcase what has become a nationally recognized Green Collar job training program.  Congressman George Miller chairs the Education & Labor Committee that supported and passed the Green Jobs Act of 2007, which is designed to fund training programs in the renewable energy and energy efficiency industries.  To date, 19 Richmond BUILD graduates have obtained green collar jobs, 16 as solar installers.  The strong partnership with Solar Richmond continues to create career and employment opportunities for Richmond residents in the solar industry.


Richmond BUILD staff members have recently been asked to provide technical assistance to other communities that are interested in replicating this very successful model.  They include Monument Futures in Concord and Allen Temple in Oakland.


5.         Street Resurfacing Activity


This past week, the Public Works Department resurfaced Center Avenue from 37th to 41st, and 41st from Ohio to Florida.  Next week’s schedule includes resurfacing Sheldon Drive between Utah and Robert Way.


6.         Recreation Highlights


The Recreation Department reports the following significant recent activities:


·         The Recreation Department has invited twenty-five youth between the ages of 12 and 17 to experience a challenging whitewater rafting adventure.  On Friday, August 15th, the participants will raft “The Gorge” on the South Fork of the American River, near Coloma, California.  The participants will apply teamwork, leadership and respect for the environment, and will undoubtedly have a great time.


·         This past Thursday, the Recreation Department tennis program competed in the United States Tennis Association (USTA) National Junior Tennis League (NJTL) Regional Rally held at the Golden Gate Park Tennis Complex on Thursday, August 7th.  The NJTL was founded in 1969 by Arthur Ashe, Charlie Pasarell, and Sheridan Snyder, and is a nationwide network of community tennis organizations seeking to develop the character of young people through tennis and education.  Over 500 participants from Bay Area NJTL Chapters competed in the recent Regional Rally.  All Rally teams were also invited to compete in the Poster Contest, with the Richmond Recreation Department team submitting a poster designed and created by Jaylan Alexander.  His efforts won the First Place prize and the team received a $250 pizza party.



Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments about these or any other items of interest to you.


Have a great week!



Bill Lindsay

City Manager

City of Richmond

1401 Marina Way South

Richmond, CA 94804


Phone:  510-620-6512

Fax:      510-620-6542

e-mail:   bill_lindsay@ci.richmond.ca.us