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Richmond Library Needs Assessment Survey

The Richmond Public Library is undertaking a Needs Assessment to identify future library services.  Under the guidance of an Advisory Committee composed of City staff, planning consultants, organization heads and interested citizens, the Assessment team will conduct community meetings, individual interviews and citywide surveys.

We want to hear from you! Please take a moment to participate in this exciting project by completing a brief on-line survey (http://www.surveymonkey.com/s.asp?u=805583208305). Or Click here for the English version, and click here for the Spanish version. Paper copies and Spanish language versions are also available in the Main Library until March 30.


If you belong to a group or organization, or have responsibility for a commission, please feel free to have them complete the survey, too.  Children and teens are especially encouraged to reply.


Thanks for your help! Address questions to:



Monique A. le Conge

Director of Library & Community Services

Richmond Public Library

325 Civic Center Plaza

Richmond, CA  94804

ph (510) 620-6555

fx (510) 620-6850
