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Feeling Okay this Evening?  Take a Deep Breath?
May 24, 2002
A newly released EPA report shows that the Chevron refinery in Richmond joins two other Contra Costa County refineries as the largest sources of hazardous air emissions in the Bay Area. The top dischargers to the San Francisco Bay, were listed as Valero, Chevron and Shell Oil Products US, previously called Equilon, in Martinez. They release nitrates, methanol, MTBE, ammonia, zinc, nickel and phenol, among other toxic chemicals. Chevron’s share consists of 662,354 lbs. of toxic chemicals. For the full story, go to http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2002/05/24/MN100571.DTL. For a detailed inventory of Chevron pollution, see http://www.epa.gov/cgi-bin/broker?zipcode=94801&_service=oiaa&_program=xp_tri.sasmacr.tristart.macro-&trilib=TRIQ1&view=ZPFA&tab_rpt=1&sort=_VIEW_&fld=E1&fld=E2&fld=AIRLBY-&fld=RELLBY&fld=TSFDSP&fld=RE_TOLBY&fld=TRIID&sort_fmt=1&industry=ALL&chemical=_ALL_&year=2000.

Apparently, the Richmond City Council believes this is a good thing and votes regularly to subsidize Chevron-Texaco, America’s second largest oil company, with local taxpayers’ money.