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Next Energy Committee Meeting Called To Select ESCO
July 13, 2001

The next meeting of the RICHMOND city Council Energy Committee will be held on Monday, July 16th, 2:00 p.m. in the city Council Chamber. The item on the agenda:  “Consider Recommendation for Selection of an Energy Services Company (ESCO)” 

There will be a companion item on the Tuesday, July 17th Council agenda as follows:  “Approve Selection of a Energy Services Company (ESCO) and Authorize the City Manager to Negotiate and Execute an Agreement for Services”

If you believe that the City Council should look at energy conservation implementation alternatives other than an ESCO, do a critical evaluation of proposals, obtain experienced professional advice in the selection of energy conservation contractors, use free services instead of paying for them and approach this critical need prudently, please contact the City Manager Isiah Turner and members of the Energy Committee. Mr. Turner’s phone number is 510/620-6512. Email addresses of the Energy Committee are in the “Cc” box above.